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Jonathan Horne Antiques
Jonathan Horne Antiques Ltd
66b and 66c Kensington Church Street
W8 4BY
Tel: +44 (0)207 221 5658
Fax: +44 (0)207 792 3090
We are specialised dealers in Early English Pottery and hold one of the most comprehensive stocks in the world (medieval pottery, English delftware, tiles, slipware, brown and white saltglaze, pearlware, coloured glazed and enamel figures etc. up to c. 1830). Jonathan Horne started his business over 30 years ago and has earned the reputation as the leading dealer in this field, his knowledge and expertise being sought after by museums and collectors world-wide.

Jonathan Horne Publications produce high quality reference books and catalogues on a variety of subjects mainly relating to English ceramics. For over 20 years we have published an Annual Exhibition Catalogue which have become important reference works for all those interested in English pottery. These are now available in two bound volumes, see publications.

Jonathan Horne is presently Chairman of the British Antique Dealers' Association, former Vice-President of the Society for Post Medieval Archaeology, President of St. John's ambulance, Kingston Division, a Freeman of the City of London and a Liveryman of the Stationers' Company.
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